Kink Craft

What is Erotica? Merriam-Webster’s simple definition is this:

works of art or literature that deal with sex and are meant to cause sexual feelings : erotic works.

What jumps to mind when you hear the word?

As an author I hear erotica and automatically think of books because that’s what I do, I write smut. However, that’s not the only erotic option out there, there’s a whole world of erotic art, photography and dance to be enjoyed. But there’s a specific form of alternative erotica which is intrinsically bound with books. And that is audio erotica.

[clickToTweet tweet=”who of you out there doesn’t enjoy the odd sweet nothing whispered in your ear” quote=”who of you out there doesn’t enjoy the odd sweet nothing whispered in your ear”]

Now come on, ladies and gents, who of you out there doesn’t enjoy the odd sweet nothing whispered in your ear or a filthier exclamation shouted your way during a hot sex session? It’s incredibly sexy but it’s possibly not the most instinctual thing in the world. This is the point where audio erotica can step in and give you a hand. You can listen to sexy scenarios and work out what sounds good to you then adapt and use similar turns of phrase with your partner. Maybe you can listen to an erotic audio book with your playmate or at least your favourite sexy bits.

Let the audio book do the talking

Audio books are growing in popularity over all genres but especially erotica as it’s a great way to enjoy a bit of hands free fun. It’s great for the visually impaired and can be listened to while you do your household chores, now that’s going to add a little extra starch to your ironing time! You can listen in the car (though be careful not to get too distracted) or in bed to help you drift off into happy, kinky dreams. There are many advantages to listening to your erotica.

Where can you find sexy stories to listen to?

Erotic audioThere are erotic audio titles available on Audible and iTunes which have to be the biggest and best known audio bookstores out there. There are also smaller sites that contain only erotica like Esensual books, you can even pick up free audio stories at And there are lots of erotic podcasts out there like Kiss Me Quick from the Sexy Librarian.

It’s worth shopping around. Maybe try an audio title from an author or publisher you already love. It might even be worth investing in an audio version of a written favourite. You can try out samples of many audio books in fact Pushing Boundaries on Public Transport, a story of mine from Rachel Krammer Bussel’s The Big Book of Orgasms can be listened to for free on the Sexy Librarian Podcast.

There is another way to get your audio thrills and that’s in person

You can go to many events and listen to authors reading from their works. Every Smut event contains 2 or 3 reading slams where authors read 5 minute long snippets from one of their stories (and face a spanking if they go over their time) and if you’re in London Dirty, Sexy Words host regular reading events in a south London bar. This is a great way to meet the authors you love or discover new ones you’d like to read more from. There is a special thrill to hearing the words direct from the horse’s mouth, so to speak. You get to experience the characters, plots and places just as the author wants you to, in their own voice and style.

[clickToTweet tweet=”There is a special thrill to hearing the words direct from the horse’s mouth” quote=”There is a special thrill to hearing the words direct from the horse’s mouth”]

So what if after all this audio arousal you want to introduce your own dirty, sexy words into the bedroom?

Well here are my top tips to spoken sexual gratification:

Take your time Don’t rush your little sordid tale. Think carefully and pick the best words for what you want to say. Enunciate precisely until, of course, you’re too excited to be careful then just let the words blend into noises. By that point no one will care if you’re making sense or not!

Laugh it off You’re probably going to say something funny unintentionally at some point. Don’t let that be a point of stress, laugh and let it go. Sex can be funny as well as sexy sometimes and every ad libber goes astray now and then, even professional ones.

Keep it simple. You don’t need multiple characters, detailed plots and long winded scene setting. Keep your dirty talk to the point. Talk about what you’re doing or what you’d like to do to your partner, try and explain how it feels when they touch you in a certain way, maybe whisper a kinky little fantasy in your lover’s ear.

Listen as well as speak. Your partner might make sounds of tell-tale arousal, listen out for these as well as noises that might indicate their getting bored with all words and no action. Maybe you can encourage your partner to join in the sexy tale and co-author your ecstatic experience.

If you can’t make it, fake it. It can be tough knowing where to start so use the words of an author who does this stuff for a living. Take snippets from your favourite sexy book and read it to your lover. It might spark off your own dirty talk or it might just lead to super hot sex.

[clickToTweet tweet=”If you can’t make it, fake it” quote=”If you can’t make it, fake it”]

Whatever way you embrace audio erotica, I hope you achieve orgasmic, aural sex.

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