What is Erotic Fan Fiction, put simply it is witting your own story based on the characters or setting of someone has created. This is based on our article by Victoria Blisse.
Is it legal?
Is it legal to create your own fan fiction? Turns out that is a tricky question. You need to understand copyright and how it is applied in your country.
Copyright in the UK
Since 1995 Copyright is granted on all creative works up to 70 years after the authors death. At which point it becomes public domain. Before 1956 most content isn’t copyrighted at all, but make sure you read the law before you do anything with them.
Some useful articles:
- Fanfiction: Creators, communities and copyright
- Copyright law of the UK (Wikipedia)
- Copyright and the value of the public domain
Example: Sherlock Holmes
Correction: Almost entirely in the public domain
Because of a quirk in the copyright law (published before 1956) some of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s stories have been granted 95 year protections after the author died. That means 10 of the 56 Sherlock Holmes stories (published between 1923 - 1927) are actually still in copyright.
In 2013 this was challenged in a court in the US (and subsequently the US court of appeal) rejected the claim that having 10 stories still in copyright protects the entire character as wrong. It points out that only character traits adding in those final 10 stories is still in copyright, everything else about Sherlock Holmes and his world is public domain.
Sources (Telegraphy, TechDirt)
Where did 50 shades come from?
50 Shades of Gray was originally Twighlight fanfiction. Pixie had trouble seeing how the two of them could be the same characters. But if you change the names, remove the vampire element, you basically have the same story. Older man seduces and controls the innocent young girl and has his wicked way with her (really could be any book).
Trekies introduced me to fanfiction
Correction: I totally forgot they had all the artwork they had both been given as well as the stories that had been created.