If you’re an avid porn watcher, then you’ve probably considered making your own video at least once. Maybe it was because the videos looked so amateur you thought..." /> If you’re an avid porn watcher, then you’ve probably considered making your own video at least once. Maybe it was because the videos looked so amateur you thought..." />

Kink Craft

If you’re an avid porn watcher, then you’ve probably considered making your own video at least once. Maybe it was because the videos looked so amateur you thought you could do better. Maybe it was because you couldn’t find any videos that represented your body and identity. Maybe you thought it would be really hot to watch yourself or your partner on video. No matter what the reason is, making your own porn is an incredibly feasible idea. Interested? This is how you do it.


First, you need to decide that you are going to film yourself having sex. You also need to decide on your reason. If you are filming it for fun, then there will be fewer efforts required. If you are filming for public consumption and potentially profit, then naturally there will be more to consider. One of the most important parts of deciding to make porn is the presence of a consenting partner. If you would like to include someone, then everyone needs to be on board with creating a video and either keeping it private or sharing it. If you are planning to film yourself masturbating, then you don’t really need to discuss it with anyone, but you might want to as it runs the risk of influencing your partners’ lives if their family or friends see your video online.

[clickToTweet tweet=”One of the most important parts of deciding to make porn is the presence of a consenting partner” quote=”One of the most important parts of deciding to make porn is the presence of a consenting partner”]

The negatives

Of course there are negative things to consider when you’re making porn. If it is a private video, then you need to completely trust the other person. Unfortunately, it is incredibly easy to upload a video online without someone’s permission, and incredibly difficult to remove it from the Internet. If you’re in a relationship, consider what would happen if you ever broke up.

If you’re filming for the public, then you need to assume that everyone you know will see it at some point. If you’re still feeling okay about it, then you’re ready to make your own porn!

PLANNING: Is this an oral-sex only scene? Is this a POV scene? You need to plan what you want your video to look like. Watching other amateur porn will help you decide what you like and don’t like and what you want to capture on camera. You then need to plan the technical aspects.

SET LOCATION: Once you have determined your goals and have an enthusiastically consenting partner, you have to decide on your set. Often the bedroom is the first thought, but don’t let that stop you from filming on a couch, in a shower or anywhere else. While choosing your set, you need to consider ease of filming (is there somewhere to put the cameras?), privacy level (is there a risk of someone walking in or hearing you?) and noise level (can you hear the neighbours or traffic?).

CAMERAS: You do not need fancy cameras because smartphones typically have great ones and you can buy a tripod at the dollar store. Ideally, you should have two or more cameras to capture different angles. Having only one camera means that you might roll out of the frame or you might spend ten minutes with your back blocking the view. If you have two cameras, then you can capture both your full bodies and get close-up footage from a different angle.

LIGHTING: Lighting is essential. No one wants to watch a grainy, darkly lit screen. Natural lighting is the best, but obviously not always possible. The cheapest lighting option is to compile all of your lamps into the set room. The next option is to purchase some high-wattage bulbs and put them in aluminum reflectors. Make sure to test out how the light looks on camera prior to filming.

SOUND: Smartphones don’t have the best microphones, so if you love natural sounds, you might consider buying a cheap microphone to attach to your phone. If you want your porn to be set to music, then the microphones won’t matter. Just make sure you’re using music legally if it is for public consumption.

FILMING: While performing will definitely be fun, you do need to remember that you are filming yourself. Every so often make sure that you’re catching the good bits on camera. You don’t need to act like you’re in mainstream porn; the best part about amateur and DIY porn is that it feels real. This is what actually happens when you’re having sex or masturbating. Just be yourself and you’ll love the results.

EDITING: If it is for your private collection, then you can do whatever you want with the footage. If it is for public consumption, then you should be editing it to flow well and alternate angles. There are free basic editing programs available for Macs and PCs. The first time you edit, you’re going to realize all the filming mistakes you can improve upon for next time. Don’t worry, you’re learning!

PUBLISHING: If you’re keeping it for yourself then make sure all files are deleted from your cameras and that the final product is in a safe place like a locked file in a mysteriously labeled folder. If you’re releasing it to the public, then you can upload it to your own website or a profit-sharing site.

Should I try it?

Filming yourself and a partner is an excellent way to improve communication. You need to agree on the idea and then discuss comfort zones and boundaries. You also get to watch a lot of porn together for research. The whole exercise can be great for relationships but convincing someone to put an intimate act on camera is not the way to strengthen a bond.

[clickToTweet tweet=”Filming yourself and a partner is an excellent way to improve communication” quote=”Filming yourself and a partner is an excellent way to improve communication”]

If you’re considering filming something for your private enjoyment, then we would highly recommend having a thoughtful discussion about it with your partner. You can always film something, watch it together and then delete it. It can be an activity that explores exhibitionism and voyeurism.  

If you’re considering trying it for public consumption, then you have to accept that everyone you know will see your videos. If you are not comfortable with this, then don’t do it. If you are comfortable with your sexuality and your body, and want to represent real world sex or an underrepresented identity, then there should be nothing stopping you. If you have something to add to the mix then you can be assured that you will reach people and be able to make a positive influence in their lives.

Should you try it? We did and we love it. Start thinking about it now and if you’re still keen after a few months, then go for it!

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