This week we are talking about food and sex based on this weeks article written for us by Girl on the Net.
Food and sex
“Sploshing” is the term for sex involving food, usually involving a lot of it or something very mucky. But bringing food into the bedroom (or where ever you play) can be a lot of fun.
Today we find out Andrew doesn’t like getting mucky.
If you don’t want to get food on your bed you can use a fluid proof sheet from Sheets of SanFrancisco.
Turns out I’m not a great fan of painting someone in chocolate, but if you do like chocolate then you can have a lot of fun
Girl on the Net makes a great point that a little cream is nice, but a mouthful of it isn’t sexy at all
Getting an infection
The problem with any food is the sugar in it, once it gets into a body cavity then it can easily cause an infection. Which really isn’t something you want.
Much easier to understand Ice can give you a huge range of options not just the cold feeling but as part of your sensation play to enhance your play. It has the advantage it doesn’t leave behind a sticky mess.
Just make sure you don’t get a ice cube stuck onto something. Run it through your hand first to give it a layer of water.
This can be very painful if it is inserted, but depending on the type of play you are going for that might be just what you are going for.
Other heating oils
Tingle lubs or oils like pepermint can have a very strong heating effect. It can be a lot of fun to play with, but make sure you try it out before you use it. What works perfectly for one person might not work at all (or be painful) for someone else.