Kink Craft

This week we are talking about disability and sexuality based on the article written for us byErryn Embers. We asked Erryn if she would write about it for use because her other half is a wheel chair user and we know she has some very strong and well thought out opinions about it.

Erryn is also a Cam Girl and has written about it for us previously and did a great job.

Sex education

She makes the great point that disability isn’t talked about in sex education. It is hard to normalise it if it isn’t discussed. This is a huge failing in the education of children because they need to be shown that it is just as normal as anything else.

How does it work

One of the questions she gets a lot is “How does it work”? You would never dreama about asking another couple how do you two have sex, why would you think it is OK to ask about them?

It also doesn’t mean one of them has a special attraction to someone with a disability just becuase of their disability. It is totally possible to love someone because of who they are. They are a normal person just like everyone else, they just happen to have challenges.

There is something wrong in society that looks at people who are different as a object that is defined only by that thing. That isn’t treating a person with the respect they deserve.

Scopes H.I.D.E. campaign

We spotted this during the parolympics and it is a campaign by scope. But we find it hard to see the funny side in treating adults like children.

We understand what they are trying to say, and of course we totally support it. But for us the humor misses the mark and just comes off a stupid. No one I have ever met would have any problem with someone with a disability in their work place. This sort of behaviour doesn’t exist.